Test Your Idea
The great secret of happiness lies in shared experiences.
We call it . Become Provider on 99active.com
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Test Your Idea
Find a picture the sets your event apart from others!

This picture is an example. You can choose your title picture in our creation tool.
Think of a very descriptive title!
Add a subtitle that is specific to your act!
Describe your adventure!
Share some impressions from previous experiences!

These pictures are examples. You can upload your own impressions in our creation tool.
Find an appropriate price!
Test our intelligent pricing assistant!
Promotion weeks publishing for Free. 10 % of the ticket price will be paid by your participants to us.
If you sell one ticket
If you sell all offered tickets
You know your tax rate better than we do. We cannot accept liability for its accuracy. We calculate with 19%.
That's what it looks like in the marketplace!
If you need some more convincing check out our provider related material.