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What is an act?

An act on 99active.com is an engaging activity designed to enrich your life through shared experiences, learning, and memorable moments. Rooted in the timeless pursuit of knowledge and connection, an act can take many forms—whether it's a pottery class that hones ancient craft techniques, a cooking course exploring traditional cuisines, a historical tour unveiling local secrets, or an art workshop sparking creativity. On 99active, everything becomes an act, transforming everyday activities into extraordinary experiences.

What is the act Store on 99active.com?

The act Store on 99active.com is our dedicated act Store where you can browse and purchase a variety of activities, which we call 'acts.' From handmade crafts and traditional skills to outdoor tours, art courses, and cooking classes, the act Store offers something for everyone. Explore our wide range of acts to find exciting experiences that will make your days memorable and active.

How can I find something active for the weekend?

Explore a world of activities—we call them ‘acts’—on 99active.com. Whether you're interested in handmade crafts, learning traditional skills, needlework, outdoor tours, art courses, cooking classes, or more, our act Store has something exciting for everyone. Discover a variety of acts that will make your weekends memorable and active.

What can I do if I’m feeling alone?

Every act on 99active.com is an opportunity to meet new people and create unforgettable memories together. Rooted in the timeless value of human connection, our engaging activities, whether it's a group hike, a collaborative art session, or a shared cooking class, allow you to join in, connect with others, and foster lasting friendships.

Who offers acts?

Our acts on 99active.com are provided by local talents, skilled experts, individuals, and smaller companies. These providers bring their unique abilities and passions to our community, upholding the timeless tradition of sharing knowledge and skills. Whether it's a local artist leading a painting workshop, an expert chef offering cooking classes, or a small tour company guiding historical excursions, our providers ensure every act is a memorable experience.

Who can purchase tickets?

Anyone looking to spend time consciously, meet new people, and enjoy shared experiences can purchase tickets on 99active.com. Embrace the timeless joy of discovery and connection by joining small, interest-based act communities. Come, be part of the fun, and enrich your life with unforgettable acts.

What is a ticket?

A ticket on 99active.com lets you join an act and enjoy new experiences. Embrace the timeless tradition of exploration and learning by purchasing a ticket, which grants you access to diverse activities. Simply buy a ticket, head to the meeting point, and immerse yourself in enriching experiences like guided tours, hands-on workshops, or dynamic dance classes.

What types of outdoor activities can I explore on 99active.com?

On 99active.com, you can explore a wide range of outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, kayaking, rock climbing, and camping. Each activity comes with detailed descriptions, recommended locations, necessary equipment, and tips for beginners to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Are there any unique cultural experiences available on 99active.com?

Yes, 99active.com offers a variety of unique cultural experiences. You can find activities such as cooking classes focusing on traditional cuisines, guided historical tours, language learning sessions, and artisan workshops where you can learn crafts like pottery or weaving. These experiences allow you to immerse yourself in different cultures and learn new skills directly from local experts.

What wellness activities are available on 99active.com?

99active.com features a variety of wellness activities designed to promote relaxation and well-being. You can find options such as meditation acts and mindfulness workshops. Each listing provides information on the practitioners, session details, and how to book, helping you find the perfect wellness activity to rejuvenate your mind and body.

What kinds of timeless knowledge activities can I explore on 99active.com?

On 99active.com, you can delve into activities that promote lifelong learning and timeless knowledge. These include traditional skills workshops such as gardening and herbal medicine. Each activity offers a chance to deepen your understanding of enduring subjects and engage with like-minded individuals.

What are some activities for conscious time spending available on 99active.com?

99active.com offers activities that emphasize mindful and conscious time spending. These include mindfulness meditation sessions, nature walks, yoga classes, journaling workshops, and calligraphy sessions. These activities encourage you to be present, connect with yourself and others, and engage in meaningful pursuits that enhance your well-being and contribute to personal growth.

What traditional skills can I learn through 99active.com?

On 99active.com, you can learn a variety of traditional skills that have stood the test of time. These include sewing, carpentry, weaving, bread baking, and cheese making. Each listing offers detailed information about the instructors, class schedules, necessary materials, and skill levels. Learning these skills can be a rewarding way to connect with the past and create something tangible with your own hands.

What activities for quality family time can I find on 99active.com?

99active.com features a variety of activities designed for quality family time. These include family game nights, outdoor adventure days, craft workshops, cooking classes, and storytelling sessions. Each activity is crafted to create connections, teamwork, and fun among family members. Listings provide details on age appropriateness, group sizes, and any required materials, making it easy to find the perfect activity for your family.

Why is it important to develop skills that are considered 'old school'?

Developing 'old school' skills is important for several reasons. First, these skills often involve hands-on activities that foster creativity and problem-solving abilities. They also provide a sense of accomplishment and self-sufficiency, as you're able to create or repair things on your own. Additionally, many traditional skills promote sustainability by encouraging the use of natural materials and reducing dependence on mass-produced goods. Finally, these skills help preserve cultural heritage and historical knowledge, connecting us to past generations and their ways of life.

What is the value of reconnecting with traditional practices?

Reconnecting with traditional practices offers numerous benefits. It allows individuals to slow down and engage in mindful activities, promoting mental well-being and reducing stress. Traditional practices often involve community and social interaction, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose. Moreover, these practices can enhance our appreciation for craftsmanship and the natural world, leading to more sustainable and thoughtful consumption habits. Reconnecting with tradition also helps preserve valuable cultural knowledge and skills for future generations.

How do 'old school' skills remain relevant in modern times?

'Old school' skills remain relevant in modern times because they provide practical benefits and enrich our lives. Skills such as sewing, woodworking, gardening, and cooking from scratch can lead to healthier lifestyles, cost savings, and reduced environmental impact. These skills also offer a break from digital screens and fast-paced routines, encouraging mindfulness and creativity. By mastering these skills, individuals can foster a deeper connection with their work and surroundings, creating a more balanced and fulfilling life.

How do traditional skills contribute to sustainability?

Traditional skills contribute to sustainability by promoting resourcefulness and reducing waste. Skills like repairing clothing, growing your own food, and making household items from natural materials reduce reliance on disposable goods and decrease environmental impact. These practices often emphasize the use of local resources and support sustainable agriculture and craftsmanship. By adopting traditional skills, individuals can make more environmentally conscious choices and support a circular economy, where resources are reused and repurposed rather than discarded.

How can old school skills enhance community connections?

Old school skills can enhance community connections by bringing people together to learn, share, and collaborate. Workshops and classes centered around traditional skills create opportunities for social interaction and knowledge exchange. These activities create a sense of belonging and mutual support, as individuals work together towards common goals. By participating in these communal practices, people can strengthen social ties and build resilient, connected communities.

Why is preserving cultural heritage through traditional practices important?

Preserving cultural heritage through traditional practices is important because it maintains the unique identity and history of communities. These practices carry the wisdom, values, and techniques of past generations, providing a sense of continuity and belonging. By keeping traditional skills alive, we honor our ancestors and their contributions, ensuring that their knowledge is not lost to time. This preservation also enriches our cultural diversity and provides valuable lessons that can inform modern practices and innovations.

What personal fulfillment can be gained from learning old school skills?

Learning old school skills can bring a deep sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction. These skills often involve creating tangible items or mastering techniques that require patience and practice, leading to a strong sense of achievement. Engaging in traditional crafts and activities can also be therapeutic, providing a relaxing and meditative break from daily stresses. Additionally, mastering these skills can boost self-confidence and independence, as you gain the ability to produce and repair items on your own.

For Participants

How can I pay for my tickets?

Paying for your tickets on 99active is a breeze. You can use SEPA Direct Debit, PayPal, or your Credit/Debit Card.

How do I get my tickets?

Once you've booked your tickets, we'll send a confirmation email with your PDF tickets attached. You'll also find your tickets stored on your 'My Acts' page. Simply print them out or show them on your phone when you arrive at the meeting point.

How many tickets can I buy in one order?

You can purchase up to 5 tickets per order on 99active. Be sure to check the availability on the act page, as some acts may have limited spaces.

Is there a service charge when booking?

Yes, there's a 10% service fee, which is already included in the ticket price. We make sure there are no hidden fees at 99active, and you'll see this fee clearly on your invoice.

Can I contact the provider before booking my ticket?

Absolutely. Just click 'Contact Provider' on the act page, and they'll respond as soon as they can to address any questions you might have.

Who do I contact if I have any questions about my booked act?

If you have any last-minute questions about your booked act, head over to 'My Acts.' From there, you can contact the act provider directly with any queries.

How do I return my ticket?

To return a ticket, go to 'My Acts' and select the act you wish to return tickets for. Click 'Return,' enter your IBAN, and we'll transfer the ticket amount to you. The refund will be your paid ticket price minus the 99active service fee. There are no extra fees for returning tickets.

Will I be charged if I have to return my ticket?

We'll refund the full ticket amount as listed on your purchase invoice. However, the 10% service fee, which supports 99active services, is non-refundable.

Can I buy a ticket as a guest?

Yes, you can buy a ticket as a guest on 99active. However, you will not have access to features like the ticket return option, the 'My Acts'' section, or the activity journal.

How do I set up an account on 99active?

Setting up an account is easy. After purchasing a ticket, simply provide a password, and 99active will create an account for you. This will give you access to the full range of customer functionalities, including the 'My Acts' section, activity journal, and return option. You can also sign up easily with your name, email address, and password.

For Providers

What is an act?

An act on 99active.com is an engaging activity designed to enrich your life through shared experiences, learning, and memorable moments. Rooted in the timeless pursuit of knowledge and connection, an act can take many forms—whether it's a pottery class that hones ancient craft techniques, a cooking course exploring traditional cuisines, a historical tour unveiling local secrets, or an art workshop sparking creativity. On 99active, everything becomes an act, transforming everyday activities into extraordinary experiences.

How can I offer my services as a yoga instructor on 99active.com?

To offer your services as a yoga instructor on 99active.com, create a professional profile highlighting your qualifications, experience, and the types of yoga sessions you provide. List different class options, such as individual sessions and group classes. Additionally, set your availability, pricing, and upload videos or photos of your classes to attract potential clients.

How can I offer adventure tours through 99active.com?

To offer adventure tours on 99active.com, create a detailed listing of your tours, including the type of adventure, duration, difficulty level, and what participants should expect. Highlight unique features of your tours, such as special destinations, expert guides, and safety measures. Provide clear pricing and booking options to attract adventurers looking for exciting experiences.

How can I offer my cooking workshops on 99active.com?

To offer cooking workshops on 99active.com, create a comprehensive profile showcasing your culinary expertise. Describe the types of cuisines or dishes you specialize in and any unique aspects like farm-to-table experiences or themed cooking sessions. Include photos, participant reviews, and clear instructions on how to book a spot in your workshops to attract food enthusiasts.

How can I offer art classes on 99active.com?

To offer art classes on 99active.com, create a detailed profile that highlights your artistic background, the types of art you teach (e.g., painting, drawing, sculpture), and the structure of your classes. Provide information on materials needed, class sizes, and whether you offer beginner, intermediate, or advanced sessions. Including photos of your work can help attract aspiring artists to your classes.

How can I offer handmade craft workshops on 99active.com?

To offer handmade craft workshops on 99active.com, create a profile detailing your expertise and the types of crafts you teach, such as knitting, woodworking, pottery, or jewelry making. Include information on materials provided and skill levels catered to. Adding photos of your work and workshop schedules can help attract those interested in learning and creating handmade items.

How can I offer experiences focused on quality time on 99active.com?

To offer quality time experiences on 99active.com, create listings that highlight activities designed for deep connection and enjoyment. Examples include family cooking classes, couples' dance lessons, parent-child art sessions, and guided nature hikes. Provide details about the experience, group size, duration, and any special features that make your offering unique.

How can I offer history and culture classes on 99active.com?

To offer history and culture classes on 99active.com, create a profile showcasing your expertise in specific historical periods or cultural topics. Provide descriptions of the classes you offer, such as ancient civilizations, local history tours, cultural heritage workshops, or language lessons. Include information on class formats, schedules, and any supplementary materials provided. Adding photos, lecture outlines, and participant testimonials can help attract those interested in deepening their understanding of history and culture.

How can I offer sustainable living workshops on 99active.com?

To offer sustainable living workshops on 99active.com, create a profile that highlights your expertise in eco-friendly practices and sustainable living. Describe the workshops you offer, such as zero-waste living, urban gardening, or renewable energy solutions. Include information on the duration and any materials provided. Photos and clear benefits of adopting sustainable practices can help attract environmentally conscious individuals.

How much time will I need to invest?

Not much at all. We want you to focus on delivering excellent acts to your customers. We take care of your publishing, selling, and financial transactions. Our act creation tool lets you spend less time designing and more time providing.

How do I get paid?

After you’ve provided your act, your earnings will be paid directly into your bank account via IBAN. This process usually takes around 5-7 days.

How much does it cost?

Registering as a provider is free. Customers pay a 10% service fee based on the ticket price you set. For instance, if you set a ticket price of €25.00, we take €2.50 as the service fee, and you earn €22.50. There are no additional fees for ticket returns.

How can I create a provider account?

Creating a provider account on 99active is straightforward. Simply fill out the signup form with your personal details, including your name, email, and password. You'll also have the opportunity to describe your unique offering, which will be prominently displayed alongside your acts. Once you accept the tax compliance terms and our Terms of Service, you can click 'Create My Provider Account' to get started.

What information do I need to provide for my profile?

For your provider profile, you need to supply your first and last name, email address, and a secure password. Additionally, you can include your company name and a captivating sentence that embodies your unique offering. This description will help instill trust and attract potential clients to your courses, workshops, tours, and other acts.

What are the benefits of setting up a provider profile on 99active?

Setting up a provider profile on 99active comes with numerous benefits. You'll have access to our act creation tool, allowing you to design and publish your acts with a professional look and feel. Our platform handles all ticket sales and financial transactions, letting you focus on delivering unforgettable experiences. Plus, your unique provider profile will help build trust and attract more clients to your offerings.

How can I create my own 99active provider page?

Setting up your own 99active homepage is simple and free. Choose a unique name that will appear after 'https://99active.com/@....'. Check if the name is available, as each name can only be used once. For example, you could choose 'Alex-Climbing-Guide' or 'Anas-Yoga-Courses'. Once your name is set, you'll have your own link and internet presence. Use this page to introduce yourself, talk about your skills and offerings, and include contact information so customers can reach you. Every activity you offer or have offered will be added to your homepage, building trust with your audience.

What information do I need to include on my provider page?

To create a comprehensive provider page on 99active, you need to include several key details. First, choose a unique name for your URL, such as 'Alex-Climbing-Guide'. If you have a company, enter your company name. Provide a public contact email address and phone number so customers can reach you. If you already have a homepage, include that information as well. Craft a sentence that embodies your unique offering and write a detailed description about yourself and your services. Lastly, upload an image to make your page visually appealing. By providing these details, you'll create a professional and trustworthy online presence on 99active.

Can I mention my other pages and sell on other platforms?

You'll love the 99active service so much you won't want to choose another activity platform. However, if you like, you can still promote and sell your acts on other platforms. We do not require exclusive selling on 99active, giving you the flexibility to reach a wider audience and maximize your sales opportunities.

How can I set up an act?

To set up an act on 99active, start by creating a captivating title and subtitle for your act. The title should grab attention, like 'Inline Skating Tour,' and the subtitle should add a specific detail, such as 'Skating through the old city of Leipzig.' Next, provide a detailed description of your act, explaining what participants can expect, the experiences they'll have, and any beautiful sights they'll see. Aim for at least three sentences to give a clear picture. Then, specify the meeting point for your act by entering the exact address and a specific meeting point, like 'Mainstation North Entry,' so participants know where to go. After that, set the date and time for your act using the date picker and time selector to enter when your act will take place, and also specify the duration in hours. Decide if you want to restrict the booking period and allow ticket returns by setting how many days before the act participants can book or return tickets. Next, enter the number of tickets available and the price per ticket, and the system will calculate the customer service fee and your revenue. Upload a title picture to visually represent your act, choosing a picture from the gallery or uploading your own image. Provide essential information for participants, such as items to bring or any special instructions, and specify the appropriate age range for participants by entering the minimum and maximum age. Finally, upload additional pictures to give more impressions of your act and label your act with relevant keywords to help people find it more easily. Once you've filled in all the details, click 'Save' to publish your act, and it will be available on the act Store, ready for participants to book a ticket.

How long does it take to publish an act after creation?

You can start selling immediately. There are no 'pending approval' periods with 99active.

How can I sell tickets?

It’s easy. Set up your account, create your first act, and let us handle the rest. We take care of selling and bring the right customers to you.

From where can I manage my acts?

You can manage your acts from anywhere in the world.

Who will be supported by 99active?

You. We support both new and established providers. Whether you’re new to selling or a seasoned pro, our service has everything you need.

How can I manage ticket returns?

You have full control over your act return policy, and you can vary it for each act. When creating your act, you decide if ticket returns are allowed and how many days before the act your customers need to return their ticket. After this period, ticket returns are not permitted.

What happens if a customer returns the ticket?

You don't need to worry about a thing. We handle all ticket returns for you. When a customer returns a ticket, we release it for sale again.

How can I find an appropriate ticket price?

Use our intelligent assistant for pricing. It helps you calculate the ticket price and shows you all fees and your potential revenues at a glance. Calculate your ticket price: Calculator

Are published acts monitored?

Yes, we monitor published acts to ensure they comply with our terms and conditions. However, this quality control won’t affect your selling. Acts are added to the act Store immediately. If any suspicious activity is identified, we will temporarily freeze the provider account until resolved.

Can I create weekly acts?

Yes. For example, if you want to offer an 'After Work Yoga Session' every Friday at 7:00 p.m. or you already know, for the next 3 months, on Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m. I will always offer a bike ride around the lake with a picnic. You go to 'act create' and select 'create act series'.

I would like to offer a walking tour on the first Saturday of every month, is that possible?

Yes, you go to 'act create' and select 'act series'. When you create it, you select 'monthly, every first Saturday of the month' in the schedule.

How do I keep track of my act series?

In your 'My act series' section you will find the detailed schedule for each series you have created. In the schedule you will find the dates for the next acts that can be published in the act Store to sell tickets.

How do get single acts from the series into the act Store?

In your 'My act series' section you will find your next upcoming act dates. Here you press on 'Create act draft'. In the next step you can publish your draft in the act Store and the ticket sale can begin.

Can I abandon individual acts of the series?

If you are not available on a date on the act series, you can abandon this date in the 'My act series' area. No act draft will be created and therefore nothing can be published in the act Store.