
About You

Information about you
Please select you language
Your first name like: Alex
Your last name like: Mayer
This is you registration email address
Choose your preferred language and tell us your name.
Notifications for you
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You should allow updates to get notified about changes and news about your . If you allow personal recommendations you don’t miss out on anything. Please allow 99active updates to get notified about new features and services.
About you as a provider
Your Company Name like: 99active
About you as Provider in one sentence, your marketing.
Find out a short sentence about you, which describes you most. For example you are a “hiking guide since 2011” or “best baking queen in town”. We will use it on in all your on the marketplace and on the tickets.
Your provider billing address
Your Street Information like: Main Road 5
Your additional Street information like: 25th floor
ZIP Code like: 12345
Your city like: Berlin
Your country like: Germany
We will put your billing address and company name on each invoice and credit note.
Your IBAN like: DE11 2222 3333 4444 5555 66
We transfer your revenues to your IBAN. It´s not a SEPA acceptance. We do not request money from this IBAN.
Your VAT ID format like: DE123456789
If you have a VAT ID you can provide here. We will put your VAT ID on each invoice or credit note.
Your Own Provider Page
For example: Jon-Doe-Koch-Berlin - define and check availability
This is your URL based on your user name settings
Your Company name like: 99active Ltd. & Co. KG
public email address like: me@example.com
Contact phone number like: 0170 11 22 33 444
Your Website like 99active.com
For example: "Hiking guide since 2011" or "Best baking queen in town"
Here you can present yourself and your offers in details.
please select
This area is for your personal website as a provider. You get your own link and get your own internet presence. All your are visible for your customers on your site. Whether from the past or future . You can introduce yourself in detail, upload a page title picture and publish your contact details. If you already have your own website, you can link it here.
Your Tax compliance acceptance
You have to take care of all your tax payments and tax returns. Please accept our tax compliance term.