
Behind the Scenes of 99active

30.09.2024 4 min reading time

How a Foraging Walk Reflects Our Vision

Last night was one of those moments when everything came together perfectly. We set out for a foraging walk at Seibelseckle (Black Forest, Germany), surrounded by the vibrant autumn colors as the sun dipped lower on the horizon. There’s something magical about the way the light filters through the trees, casting long shadows on the forest floor. The air was crisp, fresh, and filled with the earthy scent of fallen leaves and herbs waiting to be discovered.
As we walked, I guided the participants through the process of identifying and collecting seasonal herbs like stinging nettle, yarrow, and plantain. These plants are so much more than just a part of the forest floor—they are packed with natural remedies and health benefits that have been known for generations. Nettle, for example, is rich in iron and vitamin C, making it a natural immune booster as we head into colder months. Yarrow is a digestive aid and anti-inflammatory, while plantain is great for soothing small injuries or insect bites.
Group of people enjoying a foraging walk, walking together through nature
Watching the participants engage with nature, ask questions, and gather the herbs themselves was deeply rewarding. It reminded me of why we do this at 99active. It’s not just about organizing an event; it’s about creating experiences that leave a lasting impact. Moments where people connect not only with nature but with each other, and leave feeling enriched.
Earlier in the day, I had prepared the food for our picnic. I love the feeling of knowing that I could fully focus on the details—preparing the chicken salad, chopping fresh vegetables for the relish, mixing wild herbs into the cheese, and baking fresh bread—because the entire administrative process was taken care of by 99active. I didn’t have to worry about managing bookings, sending reminders, or following up with participants. I knew everything was handled, allowing me to focus on what really matters: creating something special for the people who were about to join me on this journey.
Group of people during the golden hour, examining herbs and sharing knowledge gained from their foraging tour, their faces lit with wonder and excitement
After the walk, we gathered for the picnic, setting everything out on a large stone table under the open sky. There’s something undeniably calming about eating outdoors. The participants savored each bite of the freshly prepared dishes, and the conversation flowed naturally. People shared stories, laughed, and soaked in the beauty of the evening and the setting sun.
It’s moments like this that make me grateful for what we’ve built with 99active. It’s not just a platform—it’s a tool that allows providers to focus on their passion without getting bogged down by the administrative side of things. And it works. One participant told me, "I’m so glad I was able to book this walk at the last minute. It’s amazing how easy everything was." Hearing that kind of feedback is what drives us forward, and it shows that we’re on the right path.
Group of foragers atop a mountain, examining unique herbs distinct from those at lower elevations, with each plant's leaves progressively smaller at higher altitudes
We’ve always believed that it’s important for us to run our own acts at 99active. Why? Because it gives us firsthand experience of what our providers and participants need. We don’t want to be a company that stands on the sidelines. By hosting our own acts, we gain valuable insight into the process, the pain points, and the opportunities for improvement. It’s part of our commitment to creating a platform that truly serves its community. Whether it’s a foraging walk like this one, a creative workshop, or a yoga class, we want to know exactly how the platform feels from every angle.
As the evening came to a close and the last light of the sun disappeared, I reflected on how far we’ve come. 99active was built with a clear vision—to create a community where providers are empowered to share their passions and participants can experience something new and meaningful. Every act we organize ourselves reaffirms that vision and reminds me of the power of connection—between people, nature, and experiences that go beyond the everyday.
A foraging tour guide and a participant sit side by side on a large stone, silhouetted against the warm glow of the setting sun. They're engaged in an intimate conversation about herbs and life.
This is just the beginning for 99active. We’re constantly growing, learning, and improving to ensure that we continue to deliver on our promise. Whether you’re a provider looking to share your skills or a participant eager to connect in a small act community built around shared interests, we’re here to make it all possible—seamlessly, efficiently, and with a sense of purpose.
Kathleen's Profile Picture
Written by Kathleen, CEO and Founder of 99active

As the founder of 99active, I’m committed to building a platform that goes beyond simple transactions. It’s about creating a community where providers and participants connect on a deeper, more meaningful level. By running our own acts, we gain firsthand insight into the entire experience, ensuring that our platform not only meets but exceeds the needs of its users. My goal is to give providers the freedom to focus on what they do best—creating unique experiences that bring people together.