
Anne and Michael’s Weekend Planning

30.07.2024 3 min reading time

Experience an Inspiring Moment

Have you ever wished to experience an inspiring moment?

Imagine being there, watching two people exchange creative ideas and make exciting plans. Sounds thrilling, right?

Today, we invite you to listen to a lively conversation between Anne and Michael. They're tired of spending every weekend in the same boring routine of shopping, housework, and TV. Maybe you can relate.

Get ready to discover what exciting and original activities they find and how they plan to turn their weekends into something special.

Sit back and let their ideas inspire you...

Anne: Michael, I swear, if I have to spend another weekend shopping, doing housework, or watching movies, I'm going to lose my mind.

Michael: Oh, come on. Shopping can be fun. It's like a treasure hunt, just with a burdened credit card.

Anne: That's a nice way to put it. I mean, who really enjoys buying detergent and toilet paper every Saturday?

Michael: Well, I do like a clean toilet.

Anne: Seriously. We need to do something different. There has to be something more exciting around here than staring at a screen or cleaning the house.

Michael: You're right. What if we do something different?

Anne: What do you mean?

Michael: You know, we could turn off the Wi-Fi, put away our phones, and turn off the TV. And just enjoy the weekend.

Anne: What would we do besides twiddling our thumbs on the couch? It would be like watching paint dry. I'd rather go shopping.

Michael: Okay, okay. Well, there's something else I heard about recently. Tom told me about it. Have you heard of 99active?

Anne: No, what is it? A better gaming app or something?

Michael: No, Anne. 99active has local indoor and outdoor activities in their actStore.

Anne: Oh, okay. That sounds fun. What kind of activities do they have?

Michael: How about a beginner climbing workshop at the new bouldering wall in the park?

Anne: That sounds exhausting. I think I'm too heavy for my arms.

Michael: Okay, then something for the legs and enjoyment. There's a guided hike by the lake with a picnic afterward?

Anne: I like that. Even shopping sounds fun again. Let's get tickets. That's way more exciting than sliding a feather duster down the stairs. Let's brainstorm some ideas on what we could do.

Michael: How about a badminton game in the abandoned factory, or we build new bedside lamps?

Anne: Are we allowed on the factory grounds? I like the lamp idea, especially if it rains. But how will I learn? I've never done that before.

Michael: Tom told me the 99active providers are experts in their fields, and if someone organizes such a badminton match, they have the necessary permissions and training. And the lamp workshop is with a master carpenter.

Anne: Can anyone become a provider on 99active?

Michael: Yes, as far as I understand, anyone with the necessary skills can.

Anne: That's cool. Then I could offer photo tours. Outdoors in summer and indoors in winter. I could show how the photos can be edited digitally.

Michael: That sounds charming, then you earn money in your free time instead of spending it.

Anne: You can offer and experience anything. These aren't just experiences, but not just courses either.

Michael: Yes, exactly. That's why 99active calls them acts – short for activities.

Anne: Has Tom ever attended such an act?

Michael: Yes. You know, he even burns fried eggs. He went to a beginner cooking class and now he can make fried eggs with salad and fried potatoes. As far as I know, he wants to go again and learn how to cook pasta without burning it.

Anne: And how were the other people?

Michael: They were all about his age and felt super comfortable, like they had known each other forever. They laughed a lot. While eating, they got to know each other even better.

Anne: I'll check out 99active, it all sounds really good. And you buy the tickets for the hike by the lake with the picnic.

Michael: Yes, I'll do that. Something else comes to mind.

Anne: What is it?

Michael: You know, we should talk to Peter. He'd love to work as an outdoor guide. He spends all his time outdoors, exploring the area, and is always a bit short on cash. I bet he has great outdoor activity ideas that he could offer on 99active.

Anne: These are such lovely ideas and offer so many possibilities.

Michael: I'm looking forward to trying something new on the weekends and meeting other people.

Anne: I'll check out how to offer a photo tour.

What do you think? Pretty exciting, right?

It's truly exciting to know that we all have the opportunity to either participate in the diverse and interesting acts offered in our area or contribute our own skills and talents to inspire others.

Whether it's creative workshops, outdoor acts, or educational courses – everyone can find something suitable or create something unique.

So, what will it be?

Option 1: Find acts in your area
Option 2: Become a provider and create your own acts

Option 3: You could do both!