
99active in numbers

18.03.2022 3 min

data, facts and experiences

Some useful numbers

When are the tickets actually booked - last minute or shortly after the has been posted on the marketplace?
How expensive are the tickets for these wonderful moments of togetherness on average?
We took a closer look at our and evaluated them. See for yourself.

Indoor and Outdoor

Last winter, people were very much out in nature. Experienced torch hikes, forest bingo adventures, scavenger hunts, etc.
A little more outdoor than indoor tickets were bought by the participants.

Children and Adults

All together we organized wonderful adventures for the children, a lot of laughter, a lot of joy and a lot of togetherness.
Around 75% of the tickets sold were for our children. We are mighty proud of that.

The prices for children and adult tickets

Ticket prices for the children’s adventures averaged 6.50 €. This price was sufficient for the providers to cover the costs
and to give the children a wonderful moment. The adults were about 18,00 € per ticket.
We had dinner together, so called “Dinner with friends” or painted with good acrylic paints. So far the ticket prices are on cost coverage of the providers
designed. They organize wonderful moments with passion, connecting children and adults in happy encounters.

Booking Times

35% of people are rather “early birds” and buy their ticket right after the is available on the marketplace.
Last minute bookings were significantly more, around 65%. There were few cancellations, only 2 tickets were returned.

Experiencing everyone’s talent together.